7 Cool Muhly Grass Photo Ops Near Pyeongtaek

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This muhly grass in Pyeongtaek blog post started as a list of 5 and quickly grew to a list of 7! You will find plenty of muhly grass photo spots close to Osan Air Force Base or Camp Humphreys. We look forward to seeing your photos on Instagram of these muhly grass photo ops near Pyeongtaek.

About muhly grass in South Korea

Native to North America, muhly grass originates in Florida. Since Instagram became a craze in South Korea, many locations have planted this popular pink to attract folks looking for the perfect fall photos. You can find muhly grass planted at tourist attractions and cafes across the country.

When does pink muhly grass become pink?

Muhly grass usually becomes pink in September in South Korea. Changes in weather can impact the perfect time for muhly grass photos. Later in this article, we will cover how to make sure the pink muhly grass location you want to visit is ready for a photo op.

Where to find muhly grass photo ops near Pyeongtaek

Lots of folks living at Camp Humphreys and Osan Air Force Base in Pyeongtaek, South Korea love to get their Instagram shots with Muhly Grass each year. Yes, we know that everyone loves these shots but Search Engine Optimization (SEO) requires that we call out Camp Humphreys and Osan Air Force Base residents in order to ever have this blog found on Google. Here we are sharing the 7 best spots for muhly grass photo ops near Pyeongtaek.

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Baram Saemaeul

Baram Saemaeul5


Copy and paste phone numbers into Naver Maps to get directions

Hangul Address

경기 평택시 고덕면 새악길 43-62

A park popular for their pink Muhly grass in the fall in Pyeongtaek.

(Listing information provided by the South of Seoul app)

Naeri-munhwa Park

Naeri-munhwa Park4.9


Copy and paste phone numbers into Naver Maps to get directions

Hangul Address

경기 평택시 팽성읍 내리길 64-23

Whether youre looking for a playground, a jogging spot with beautiful scenery, a picnic beside the river, or a camping spot, this large park offers many possibilities. Included picture of the map for more details.

(Listing information provided by the South of Seoul app)

Sopung Park And Camping

Sopung Park And Camping0


Copy and paste phone numbers into Naver Maps to get directions

Hangul Address

경기도 평택시 고덕면 궁리 494-1

A stunning park with an attached camping area. There is a wood working shop and small animal exhibit.

(Listing information provided by the South of Seoul app)

Sams Caravan And Cafe

Sams Caravan And Cafe5


Copy and paste phone numbers into Naver Maps to get directions

Hangul Address

경기 평택시 팽성읍 팽성남로 293

Jackie, Pyeongtaek Food and Fun: This is nearby Adams gate. - Caravan, BBQ, Camping, and Bali theme It is located in a remote area from downtown so you may not notice this place; in my case, one of my friends invited me to dinner Id have never found otherwise. My first impression about SAMS CARAVAN was exotic and unique because of its location and atmosphere. You need to go through SAMS café to access the caravan so it gives you more privacy. The café interior is Bali theme and there are handmade bedding displays in the corner. When you walk into the place, you will see what I meant. In addition, having BBQ with beer and camping were phenomenal. It’s easy to purchase items that you forgot as there is a convenience store. The most important thing is that the owner is really nice and friendly person; that is why I want to share this nice place with you guys. Long story short, here is an info that you need:

(Listing information provided by the South of Seoul app)

Anseong Farm Land

Anseong Farm Land4.8


Copy and paste phone numbers into Naver Maps to get directions

Hangul Address

경기 안성시 공도읍 대신두길 28

Fun park for young children. Bring additional money for rides and entrance fee.

(Listing information provided by the South of Seoul app)

In Forest Cafe

In Forest Cafe0


Copy and paste phone numbers into Naver Maps to get directions

Hangul Address

충남 천안시 서북구 성거읍 송남리 133-1

A stunning countryside cafe that embraces nature. A perfect spot for pink grass photography as well.

(Listing information provided by the South of Seoul app)

Asan Ginkgo Tree Road

Asan Ginkgo Tree Road 5

Hangul Address

충청남도 아산시 염치읍 백암리 243-2

Asan Ginkgo Tree Road is a lovely walk, especially for watching the leaves change color in Autumn. You will find cafes, convenience store, and even a shrine along the walk. Various places to park along the walk but the roads may be tight.

(Listing information provided by the South of Seoul app)

How do I know if the muhly grass is in bloom?

To find out if the muhly grass photo ops near Pyeongtaek are in season, use Instagram. You can check at your local Instagram muhly grass ‘hotplace’ (the Korean term for a popular location) via the tags on Instagram and sorting by recent images. This way of searching Instagram gives you instant weather and bloom reports based on folks’ posts from that area. Check out our post on how to maximize your Instagram use while here to get up-to-date information.

You can use the South of Seoul app to make your Hangul Instagram search easier since you can copy the Korean name of each location and post it on Instagram with a #. Here is a little tutorial on how the South of Seoul app can help you check out the current conditions of locations around South Korea.

Step 1: Search South of Seoul by keywords “Muhly grass” or “Pink Grass”

You can search “Closest” or “Newest” locations added depending on what you are looking for.

Search for Muhly grass on instagram

Step 2: Copy the Hangul name of the location

To do a solid search on Instagram you need the name written in Korean. Very limited information is available using English or romanized names.

Use the Korean name in Instagram

Step 3: Paste the Hangul name with a hashtag

Use the hangul name for muhly grass

Step 4: Sort by ‘Recent’ posts on Instagram

Search for recent posts of muhly grass

Step 5: Look a the recent posts

Check dates for recent posts

How to find muhly grass photo locations across South Korea

You can search ‘핑크뮬리’ to discover muhly grass photo locations across all of South Korea.

The Weather in Pyeongtaek

You will enjoy viewing muhly grass the most if you go either on a day with good air quality or in your preferred weather. However, you can also enjoy the parks if you go prepared for incidental weather and the current air conditions. Here is what is happening currently in Pyeongtaek so that you can determine what is right for you right now.

Current Air Quality in Pyeongtaek

Air quality and weather change throughout the day. However, having an idea of what the air quality is right now can help make decisions easier. You can download the Air Matters App for your phone to keep current on changing air quality conditions throughout the day. You can even set up alerts.

Godeok, Pyeongtaek Air Quality

Bijeondong, Pyeongtaek Air Quality

Current Pyeongtaek Weather

Groups to Find Muhly Grass Photo Ops Near Pyeongtaek

Want to know more great muhly grass locations across South Korea? Join one of the following groups.