Western Medical Specialties That Don’t Exist in Korean Medicine

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Certain medical specialties that exist in Western countries may not have a direct counterpart in Korean medicine. In these cases, patients visit other specialists based on the nature of their condition. International residents must understand how specialties vary so they can quickly find care. We often run into questions in our groups because of the issue so here’s a general breakdown of those specialties and the specialists you would visit instead in Korea.

Medical Specialties Vary by Culture

Medical specialties often vary by culture due to differences in healthcare systems, traditional practices, and societal health priorities. In Western countries, specialties are typically highly compartmentalized, with fields like podiatry, geriatrics, and pain management as distinct disciplines. These focus on specific body parts, age groups, or conditions, often driven by a highly specialized, evidence-based approach.

In contrast, countries like South Korea 1) incorporate traditional medicine alongside modern medical specialties and 2) categorize care into different categories. For instance, Korean healthcare combines Western medical practices with traditional treatments like acupuncture, and specialties such as podiatry do not exist as a separate field. Instead, various specialists, including orthopedists and dermatologists, manage foot-related issues.

Cultural perceptions of health may shape these differences; in Korea, holistic approaches and preventive care through traditional methods are common, whereas Western systems often emphasize intervention after symptoms appear. Thus, the structure and focus of medical specialties can reflect a culture’s integration of traditional and modern practices, as well as its approach to healthcare access and treatment.

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Understanding Differences in Specialties is Important

Understanding the differences in medical specialties is essential for foreigners and international residents to find appropriate care in South Korea. Knowing which specialist to see ensures timely and accurate treatment, preventing confusion and delays in care. Understanding local medical practices helps international residents navigate the healthcare system effectively and make informed decisions about their health.

Meaning of “Medical Specialties That Don’t Exist in Korean Medicine”

When we say, “Medical Specialties That Don’t Exist in Korean Medicine” it means that the specialty is not formally recognized as a separate discipline within the Korean healthcare system OR you can’t be certified in Korea. For example, fields like podiatry or geriatric medicine are common in countries like the United States but do not have dedicated departments or specialized training programs in Korea. Instead, care for related conditions is divided among existing specialists such as orthopedic surgeons, dermatologists, or internal medicine doctors.

However, even though these specialties are not officially part of the medical field in Korea, doctors trained in these areas abroad sometimes practice within the country. They may work in international clinics or private practices that cater to expatriates or patients looking for specialized care not commonly offered in Korea. These doctors might not hold formal recognition as a distinct specialty under the Korean medical system, but they provide services that align with those of their foreign training. This gives residents, especially international ones, access to specialized care even if it’s not part of the standard Korean healthcare infrastructure.

For example, you can still find chiropractic care in Korea from chiropractors licensed in other countries like the United States. Chiropractors can practice legally in South Korea within Korean medicine clinics called Hanwiwons.

How to Use the Following List

To connect with the right specialists, it’s important to know how to ask for and search for the appropriate care. For instance, if you’re looking for a podiatrist, you might struggle to find one outside of a Seoul international clinic since that specialty doesn’t exist within the Korean context. If you know the medical specialty doesn’t exist in Korean medicine it allows you to search for what does exist that will meet your needs.

Instead, you need to ask for a doctor who treats the specific issue, such as bone pain or a skin condition. This guide will include key search terms to help you find the right care, even if the exact specialist you’re familiar with doesn’t exist in Korea. These terms will help you locate the appropriate doctors for your condition quickly and efficiently.

Now that you have an understanding of what this information is about and how it can help you, let’s look at the missing specializations.

Western Specializations That Don’t Exist in Korean Medicine

When Western medical specialties don’t exist in Korean medicine it means they don’t exist in Korean medical training. Therefore, you will likely not find them using such terms when you search on Naver. However, It’s theoretically possible to find international clinics using English Western medical terms to describe their services on Google. Unfortunately, most of the international clinics exist in Seoul and you don’t need to travel to Seoul for medical care. Instead, we will empower you with more localized Korean search terms.

Podiatrist (Foot Doctor)

  • Korean Equivalent: No dedicated podiatrist specialty.
  • Who You Visit Instead:
    • Orthopedic Surgeon (정형외과, Jeonghyeong Oegwa): For bone, joint, and ligament issues in the feet.
    • Dermatologist (피부과, Pibugwa): For skin or nail issues (e.g., athlete’s foot, nail fungus).
    • Endocrinologist (내분비내과, Naebunbi Naegwa): For diabetes-related foot issues (e.g., ulcers, neuropathy).
    • Physical Therapist (물리치료사, Mullichiryosa): For rehabilitation from foot injuries.

Korean Search Terms for Podiatry Support

The information regarding podiatry required us to make a completely separate blog post. Please click here to learn more.

Geriatrician (Elderly Care Specialist)

  • Korean Equivalent: Korea doesn’t have a formal specialty of geriatric medicine focused on elderly care.
  • Who You Visit Instead:
    • Internal Medicine (내과, Naegwa): For general health concerns in older adults.
    • Rehabilitation Medicine (재활의학과, Jaehwal Uihakgwa): For mobility issues and chronic pain management in the elderly.
    • Neurologist (신경과, Singyeonggwa): For dementia and other neurological conditions common in older populations.
    • Family Medicine (가정의학과, Gajeong Uihakgwa): For comprehensive care, including managing multiple chronic conditions in older adults.

Here are some helpful Korean search terms you can use on platforms like Naver to find specialists who can address elderly care needs in Korea, given that there is no formal geriatric medicine specialty:

Search Terms for Elderly Care

Internal Medicine (내과, Naegwa)
  • 노인 건강 관리 (Noin Geongang Gwalli) – Elderly health management
  • 노인 질환 치료 (Noin Jilhan Chiryosil) – Treatment for elderly diseases
  • 고령자 내과 (Goryeongja Naegwa) – Geriatric internal medicine
Rehabilitation Medicine (재활의학과, Jaehwal Uihakgwa)
  • 노인 재활 치료 (Noin Jaehwal Chiryosil) – Elderly rehabilitation treatment
  • 노인 통증 관리 (Noin Tongjeung Gwalli) – Pain management for elderly
  • 노인 이동성 치료 (Noin Idongseong Chiryosil) – Mobility treatment for elderly
Neurologist (신경과, Singyeonggwa)
  • 노인 치매 치료 (Noin Chimae Chiryosil) – Dementia treatment for elderly
  • 노인 신경 질환 (Noin Singyeong Jilhan) – Neurological conditions in the elderly
  • 노인 기억 상실 (Noin Gieok Sangsil) – Memory loss in the elderly
Family Medicine (가정의학과, Gajeong Uihakgwa)
  • 노인 종합 건강 관리 (Noin Jonghap Geongang Gwalli) – Comprehensive elderly health care
  • 노인 만성 질환 관리 (Noin Manseong Jilhan Gwalli) – Chronic disease management for elderly
  • 노인 건강 종합 검사 (Noin Geongang Jonghap Geomsa) – Comprehensive health checkup for elderly


  • Korean Equivalent: While there is no standalone allergy and immunology specialty, allergy care is integrated into other specialties.
  • Who You Visit Instead:
    • Internal Medicine (내과, Naegwa): For asthma, chronic sinusitis, and mild to moderate allergies.
    • ENT Specialist (이비인후과, Ibinu-gwa): For respiratory-related allergies like hay fever and sinus infections.
    • Dermatologist (피부과, Pibugwa): For skin allergies like eczema, hives, or contact dermatitis.
    • Pediatrician (소아청소년과, Soa Cheongsonyeon-gwa): For childhood allergies and food intolerances.

Additionally Clarification For Seaking Allergy Treatments

However, this doesn’t mean you can’t find clinics and doctors who focus on allergies. While there is no standalone allergy and immunology specialty recognized in the Korean medical system, clinics and doctors still offer support. Instead of a standalone specialty, clinics integrate allergy care into their specialties like internal medicine, ENT, dermatology, or pediatrics. Korean doctors who specialize in these areas often receive training in managing allergic conditions as part of their broader medical education.

Additionally, some doctors who focus specifically on allergies may have sought additional training or certifications abroad, particularly if they wish to provide more specialized allergy care that is not part of the standard Korean medical curriculum. These doctors might work in international clinics or larger hospitals that cater to more specialized needs. So while the field of allergy/immunology may not be a distinct standalone specialty in Korea, many doctors trained domestically are fully equipped to handle allergy-related conditions, with some potentially having supplementary training from overseas.

Search Terms for Naver and Daum

To find specialists in Korea who work with allergies, you can use a combination of search terms that target the most relevant medical departments. Here are some useful terms in both English and Korean:

Korean Search Terms (Hangeul):
  • 알레르기 전문의 (Allereugi Jeonmuneui) – Allergy specialist
  • 알레르기 치료 (Allereugi Chiryosil) – Allergy treatment
  • 면역학과 (Myeonyeokhakgwa) – Immunology (often part of a hospital’s internal medicine department)
  • 소아 알레르기 (Soa Allereugi) – Pediatric allergy
  • 천식 치료 (Cheonsik Chiryosil) – Asthma treatment
  • 피부 알레르기 (Pibu Allereugi) – Skin allergy
  • 호흡기 알레르기 (Hoheupgi Allereugi) – Respiratory allergy
  • 이비인후과 알레르기 (Ibinu-gwa Allereugi) – ENT doctor for allergies
  • 음식 알레르기 (Eumsik Allereugi) – Food allergy

These terms can help you find specialists within internal medicine, dermatology, pediatrics, and ENT departments, where allergy-related care is often integrated. You can search for these terms in combination with “clinic” (클리닉, Klinic) or “hospital” (병원, Byeongwon) to locate healthcare providers that offer allergy treatment in Korea.

Rheumatologist (Specialist in Autoimmune Diseases and Arthritis)

  • Korean Equivalent: Korea does not have as distinct a rheumatology specialty as found in Western countries, but autoimmune and arthritis care is available.
  • Who You Visit Instead:
    • Internal Medicine (내과, Naegwa): For mild to moderate autoimmune disorders and arthritis.
    • Orthopedic Surgeon (정형외과, Jeonghyeong Oegwa): For joint issues, including surgical treatments for severe arthritis.
    • Rehabilitation Medicine (재활의학과, Jaehwal Uihakgwa): For physical therapy and management of joint pain and stiffness.

For finding a rheumatologist or specialists dealing with autoimmune diseases and arthritis in Korea, here are some useful Korean search terms that you can use on Naver:

  • 류마티스 내과 (Ryumatiseu Naegwa) – Rheumatology/Internal Medicine
  • 류마티스 전문의 (Ryumatiseu Jeonmuneui) – Rheumatology specialist
  • 자가면역질환 (Jagamyeonyeok Jilhan) – Autoimmune disease
  • 관절염 치료 (Gwanjeollyeom Chiryosil) – Arthritis treatment
  • 류마티스 관절염 (Ryumatiseu Gwanjeollyeom) – Rheumatoid arthritis
  • 자가면역질환 병원 (Jagamyeonyeok Jilhan Byeongwon) – Autoimmune disease hospital
  • 관절 통증 (Gwanjeol Tongjeung) – Joint pain
  • 면역질환 전문 (Myeonyeok Jilhan Jeonmun) – Immune disorder specialist
  • 류마티스 클리닉 (Ryumatiseu Klinic) – Rheumatology clinic
  • 관절염 전문 병원 (Gwanjeollyeom Jeonmun Byeongwon) – Arthritis specialized hospital

Occupational Therapist (OT)

  • Korean Equivalent: There is no widely established specialty for occupational therapy in Korea.
  • Who You Visit Instead:
    • Physical Therapist (물리치료사, Mullichiryosa): For general rehabilitation and mobility issues.
    • Rehabilitation Medicine (재활의학과, Jaehwal Uihakgwa): For functional rehabilitation, particularly after injury or surgery.
    • Psychiatrist (정신건강의학과, Jeongsingeongang Uihakgwa): For mental health aspects of rehabilitation, including conditions like stroke recovery.

Here are search terms to help you find services similar to occupational therapy (OT) in Korea, given that the specialty is not widely established:

Search Terms for Occupational Therapy Alternatives on Naver:

Physical Therapist (물리치료사, Mullichiryosa)
  • 물리치료 (Mullichiryo) – Physical therapy
  • 재활 치료 (Jaehwal Chiryosil) – Rehabilitation therapy
  • 이동성 재활 (Idongseong Jaehwal) – Mobility rehabilitation
  • 손 재활 치료 (Son Jaehwal Chiryosil) – Hand rehabilitation therapy
Rehabilitation Medicine (재활의학과, Jaehwal Uihakgwa)
  • 기능 재활 치료 (Gineung Jaehwal Chiryosil) – Functional rehabilitation therapy
  • 수술 후 재활 (Susul Hu Jaehwal) – Post-surgery rehabilitation
  • 뇌졸중 재활 (Nwejoljung Jaehwal) – Stroke rehabilitation
Psychiatrist (정신건강의학과, Jeongsingeongang Uihakgwa)
  • 정신 재활 치료 (Jeongsin Jaehwal Chiryosil) – Mental health rehabilitation
  • 심리 재활 (Simni Jaehwal) – Psychological rehabilitation
  • 뇌졸중 심리 치료 (Nwejoljung Simni Chiryosil) – Stroke recovery psychological treatment


  • Korean Equivalent: There are no licensed chiropractors in Korea, as chiropractic care is not formally recognized. However, it doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Many have trained in other countries and practice in Korea 1) legally within a Hanuiwon or 2) illegally in a foreigner-focused clinic. However, it’s hard to search for them online in Korean because they may prefer to keep this aspect of their service less visiable.
  • Who You Visit Instead:
    • Orthopedic Surgeon (정형외과, Jeonghyeong Oegwa): For spine-related issues such as herniated discs or back pain.
    • Physical Therapist (물리치료사, Mullichiryosa): For rehabilitation and treatment of musculoskeletal issues.
    • Traditional Korean Medicine Doctor (한의사, Hanuisa): For alternative treatments like acupuncture and herbal medicine for back pain and alignment issues.

Here are some useful search terms you can use on Naver to find care for spine and musculoskeletal issues, given that chiropractic care is not formally recognized in Korea:

Search Terms for Spine and Musculoskeletal Care on Naver

Orthopedic Surgeon (정형외과, Jeonghyeong Oegwa)
  • 허리 통증 치료 (Heori Tongjeung Chiryosil) – Back pain treatment
  • 디스크 치료 (Diseukeu Chiryosil) – Disc (herniated disc) treatment
  • 척추 교정 수술 (Cheokchu Gyojeong Susul) – Spine correction surgery
  • 척추 질환 (Cheokchu Jilhan) – Spine disorders
Physical Therapist (물리치료사, Mullichiryosa)
  • 물리치료 허리 통증 (Mullichiryo Heori Tongjeung) – Physical therapy for back pain
  • 척추 재활 치료 (Cheokchu Jaehwal Chiryosil) – Spine rehabilitation treatment
  • 근골격계 재활 (Geungolgyeokgye Jaehwal) – Musculoskeletal rehabilitation
  • 허리 디스크 재활 (Heori Diseukeu Jaehwal) – Herniated disc rehabilitation
Traditional Korean Medicine Doctor (한의사, Hanuisa)
  • 허리 통증 한방 치료 (Heori Tongjeung Hanbang Chiryosil) – Korean traditional medicine for back pain
  • 척추 교정 한의원 (Cheokchu Gyojeong Hanuiwon) – Spine correction at Hanuiwon (Korean traditional medicine clinic)
  • 한방 침 치료 (Hanbang Chim Chiryosil) – Acupuncture treatment for pain
  • 추나요법 (Chuna Yobeop) – Chuna therapy (Korean manual therapy similar to chiropractic manipulation)

Audiologist (Hearing Specialist)

  • Korean Equivalent: While there are hearing clinics and specialists, audiology is often covered by other fields.
  • Who You Visit Instead:
    • ENT Specialist (이비인후과, Ibinu-gwa): For hearing tests, treatment of hearing loss, and issues with the ear canal, middle ear, and inner ear.
    • Neurologist (신경과, Singyeonggwa): For neurological causes of hearing loss, such as auditory nerve damage.
    • Speech Therapist (언어치료사, Eoneo Chiryosa): For hearing loss rehabilitation, especially in children.

Here are search terms to help you find services similar to audiology in Korea, where this specialty is often covered by other fields:

Search Terms for Audiology Alternatives on Naver:

ENT Specialist (이비인후과, Ibinu-gwa)
  • 청력 검사 (Cheongnyeok Geomsa) – Hearing test
  • 청력 손실 치료 (Cheongnyeok Sonsil Chiryosil) – Hearing loss treatment
  • 귀 질환 치료 (Gwi Jilhan Chiryosil) – Ear disease treatment
  • 중이염 치료 (Jungiyeom Chiryosil) – Middle ear infection treatment
Neurologist (신경과, Singyeonggwa)
  • 청각 신경 손상 (Cheonggak Singyeong Sonsang) – Auditory nerve damage
  • 신경성 난청 치료 (Singyeongseong Nancheong Chiryosil) – Neurological hearing loss treatment
  • 뇌 신경 손상 청력 (Nwe Singyeong Sonsang Cheongnyeok) – Hearing loss due to brain nerve damage
Speech Therapist (언어치료사, Eoneo Chiryosa)
  • 언어 재활 치료 (Eoneo Jaehwal Chiryosil) – Speech rehabilitation therapy
  • 청각 장애 언어 치료 (Cheonggak Jangae Eoneo Chiryosil) – Speech therapy for hearing impairment
  • 어린이 청력 재활 (Eorini Cheongnyeok Jaehwal) – Pediatric hearing rehabilitation

Pain Management Specialist

  • Korean Equivalent: There is no distinct pain management specialty in Korea.
  • Who You Visit Instead:
    • Anesthesiologist (마취통증의학과, Machitongjeung Uihakgwa): For acute and chronic pain management, especially after surgery or trauma.
    • Rehabilitation Medicine (재활의학과, Jaehwal Uihakgwa): For long-term pain management through physical therapy and rehabilitation exercises.
    • Traditional Korean Medicine Doctor (한의사, Hanuisa): For chronic pain relief through acupuncture, moxibustion, and herbal treatments.

Here are search terms to help you find services related to pain management in Korea, where there is no distinct pain management specialty:

Search Terms for Pain Management Alternatives on Naver:

Anesthesiologist (마취통증의학과, Machitongjeung Uihakgwa)
  • 통증 치료 (Tongjeung Chiryosil) – Pain treatment
  • 급성 통증 관리 (Geupseong Tongjeung Gwalli) – Acute pain management
  • 만성 통증 치료 (Manseong Tongjeung Chiryosil) – Chronic pain treatment
  • 수술 후 통증 관리 (Susul Hu Tongjeung Gwalli) – Post-surgery pain management
Rehabilitation Medicine (재활의학과, Jaehwal Uihakgwa)
  • 장기 통증 관리 (Janggi Tongjeung Gwalli) – Long-term pain management
  • 통증 재활 치료 (Tongjeung Jaehwal Chiryosil) – Pain rehabilitation therapy
  • 물리치료 통증 관리 (Mullichiryo Tongjeung Gwalli) – Physical therapy pain management
  • 운동 치료 (Undong Chiryosil) – Exercise therapy for pain relief
Traditional Korean Medicine Doctor (한의사, Hanuisa)
  • 한방 통증 치료 (Hanbang Tongjeung Chiryosil) – Korean traditional pain treatment
  • 침 치료 (Chim Chiryosil) – Acupuncture for pain
  • 뜸 치료 (Tteum Chiryosil) – Moxibustion treatment
  • 한약 통증 관리 (Hanyak Tongjeung Gwalli) – Herbal medicine for pain management

Sports Medicine Specialist

  • Korean Equivalent: While sports medicine is recognized in Korea, it is often covered under orthopedics or rehabilitation.
  • Who You Visit Instead:
    • Orthopedic Surgeon (정형외과, Jeonghyeong Oegwa): For injuries related to sports, such as ligament tears, fractures, and joint problems.
    • Physical Therapist (물리치료사, Mullichiryosa): For rehabilitation following sports injuries or surgery.
    • Rehabilitation Medicine (재활의학과, Jaehwal Uihakgwa): For managing chronic pain and mobility issues related to sports injuries.

Here are search terms to help you find services related to sports medicine in Korea, where the specialty is often covered under orthopedics or rehabilitation:

Search Terms for Sports Medicine Alternatives on Naver

Orthopedic Surgeon (정형외과, Jeonghyeong Oegwa)
  • 스포츠 부상 치료 (Seupocheu Busang Chiryosil) – Sports injury treatment
  • 인대 손상 치료 (Indae Sonsang Chiryosil) – Ligament injury treatment
  • 골절 치료 (Goljeol Chiryosil) – Fracture treatment
  • 관절 통증 치료 (Gwanjeol Tongjeung Chiryosil) – Joint pain treatment
Physical Therapist (물리치료사, Mullichiryosa)
  • 스포츠 재활 치료 (Seupocheu Jaehwal Chiryosil) – Sports rehabilitation therapy
  • 운동 재활 (Undong Jaehwal) – Exercise rehabilitation
  • 수술 후 재활 (Susul Hu Jaehwal) – Post-surgery rehabilitation
  • 운동 손상 회복 (Undong Sonsang Hoebok) – Recovery from exercise injuries
Rehabilitation Medicine (재활의학과, Jaehwal Uihakgwa)
  • 운동 기능 재활 (Undong Gineung Jaehwal) – Functional rehabilitation for sports injuries
  • 스포츠 통증 관리 (Seupocheu Tongjeung Gwalli) – Sports pain management
  • 운동 부상 재활 (Undong Busang Jaehwal) – Sports injury rehabilitation
  • 만성 운동 손상 치료 (Manseong Undong Sonsang Chiryosil) – Chronic sports injury treatment

Urogynecologist (Pelvic Floor Specialist)

  • Korean Equivalent: There is no distinct urogynecology specialty in Korea, focusing solely on pelvic floor disorders.
  • Who You Visit Instead:
    • Obstetrician/Gynecologist (산부인과, Sanbuingwa): For pelvic organ prolapse, incontinence, and other female pelvic floor disorders.
    • Urologist (비뇨기과, Binyogigwa): For urinary incontinence and bladder-related pelvic floor issues.

Here are search terms to help you find services related to urogynecology in Korea, where this specialty does not exist as a distinct field:

Search Terms for Urogynecology Alternatives on Naver

Obstetrician/Gynecologist (산부인과, Sanbuingwa)
  • 골반 장기 탈출증 (Golban Janggi Talchuljeung) – Pelvic organ prolapse
  • 여성 요실금 치료 (Yeoseong Yosilgeum Chiryosil) – Female urinary incontinence treatment
  • 여성 골반 저하 (Yeoseong Golban Jeoha) – Female pelvic floor dysfunction
  • 자궁 탈출증 치료 (Jagung Talchuljeung Chiryosil) – Uterine prolapse treatment
Urologist (비뇨기과, Binyogigwa)
  • 요실금 치료 (Yosilgeum Chiryosil) – Urinary incontinence treatment
  • 방광 기능 장애 (Banggwang Gineung Jangae) – Bladder dysfunction
  • 여성 비뇨기과 치료 (Yeoseong Binyogigwa Chiryosil) – Female urology treatment
  • 요도 질환 치료 (Yodo Jilhan Chiryosil) – Urethral disorder treatment

Sleep Specialist

  • Korean Equivalent: Korea does not have a standalone sleep medicine specialty.
  • Who You Visit Instead:
    • Neurologist (신경과, Singyeonggwa): For sleep disorders like insomnia, narcolepsy, or sleep apnea with a neurological basis.
    • Psychiatrist (정신건강의학과, Jeongsingeongang Uihakgwa): For sleep disturbances related to mental health conditions like anxiety and depression.
    • ENT Specialist (이비인후과, Ibinu-gwa): For sleep apnea and snoring due to airway obstructions.

Here are search terms to help you find services related to sleep medicine in Korea, where there is no standalone sleep specialist:

Search Terms for Sleep Medicine Alternatives on Naver

Neurologist (신경과, Singyeonggwa)
  • 불면증 치료 (Bulmyeonjeung Chiryosil) – Insomnia treatment
  • 수면 무호흡증 (Sumyeon Muhoheupjeung) – Sleep apnea
  • 기면증 치료 (Gimyeonjeung Chiryosil) – Narcolepsy treatment
  • 수면 장애 (Sumyeon Jangae) – Sleep disorders
Psychiatrist (정신건강의학과, Jeongsingeongang Uihakgwa)
  • 수면 장애 치료 (Sumyeon Jangae Chiryosil) – Sleep disorder treatment
  • 불안으로 인한 수면 문제 (Bulan-euro Inhan Sumyeon Munje) – Sleep problems due to anxiety
  • 우울증 수면 장애 (Uuljeung Sumyeon Jangae) – Depression-related sleep disorder
  • 정신과 수면 치료 (Jeongsingwa Sumyeon Chiryosil) – Psychiatric sleep treatment
ENT Specialist (이비인후과, Ibinu-gwa)
  • 코골이 치료 (Kogori Chiryosil) – Snoring treatment
  • 수면 무호흡 치료 (Sumyeon Muhoheup Chiryosil) – Sleep apnea treatment
  • 호흡기 수면 장애 (Hoheupgi Sumyeon Jangae) – Respiratory-related sleep disorder
  • 기도 폐쇄 수면 무호흡 (Gido Paeswae Sumyeon Muhoheup) – Obstructive sleep apnea

Key Point of Medical Culture Shock

When certain Western medical specialties don’t exist in Korean medicine patients are directed to alternative specialists depending on their specific condition. This often means visiting multiple specialists for conditions that might be handled by a single specialist in other countries, such as podiatrists or geriatricians. Korean medical care is organized by organ system or function, and traditional Korean medicine is also integrated into the healthcare system for treating various conditions.

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