What is Glühweine?
Glühwein, mulled wine, vin chaud, or spiced wine is an alcoholic drink made with red wine and mulled spices, which is often served at Christmas Markets. While it is usually made with red wine, I wouldn’t be too surprised to find mulled craft beer in Korea since Korea’s craft beers are its own art form. I haven’t found a mulled beer here yet, but I’ll keep looking.
Our Relationship with Glühweine
My husband lived in Heidelberg for 6 years before we met. During this time, his parents lived in Hohenfels, while working as civilians, after his father retired from the U.S. Air Force. He often fondly describes his experiences there and longs for the day that we can return as a family. I know he is not alone in his nostalgia.
US Army and Glühweine
Heidelberg was the headquarters for U.S. Army Europe from 1945 to 2013. The U.S. servicemen and women, and their families, who have been fascinated by the history and beauty of Heidelberg Castle, donned costumes for the annual Ball der Vampire, gone pub hopping on the Hauptstrasse, and admired the Gothic to Renaissance architecture, have all shared in the umwelten of Heidelberg.
South Korea and Glühweine
While Korea has its own interpretation of European customs and traditions, one need only visit the German Village in Namhae to see that Korea also has its own unique, long-standing history with Germany. Still, having experienced the magic of Christmas Markets, the winter is when my husband misses Heidelberg the most. For him, the holiday tradition of drinking glühwein in the cold brings him just a little closer to a place he once called home.
Places You Can Sit and Sip Glühweine in Pyeongtaek
In the meantime, if you live in or near Pyeongtaek, South Korean and you are craving glühwein, here are a few suggestions. Keep in mind, many more cafes and restaurants offer delicious, warm, spiced wines. This list will simply help you get started.

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A local coffee roaster and cafe.
The mulled wine tastes citrus-sweet. Also one of my favorite spots for a matcha latte and cake.

Cafe CF
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Hangul Address
경기 평택시 쇼핑로 26
The desserts at this cafe are AMAZING! They have a lot of weird rules like everyone has to buy something, so you need to go hungry (not everyone has to buy a dessert but they need to buy something.) They also have limits on how many people can share things. Still, the desserts are amazing so its worth it to make a plan and go anyway. We also would NOT describe it as kid friendly. If you have kids under 12 we dont recommend this place.

Braai Republic (Pyeongtaek Branch)
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Hangul Address
경기 평택시 팽성읍 안정쇼핑로 17-1
The friendly owners, cozy interior, and insanely good food will keep you coming back again and again. Their lamb chops and meat pies are to die for, and weekend brunch should not be missed.

Cafe Hangout
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Hangul Address
경기 평택시 팽성읍 안정순환로222번길 95
Cozy dessert cafe located in the Ville near Camp Humphreys offering drinks and desserts with an their clientele in mind.

Cafe Cornerstone
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Hangul Address
경기 평택시 송탄2로 48
Cafe Cornerstone is a real delight, and their FB feed is even in English so its easy to follow along on their specials and events. LOVE these guys. They also serve Carlsberg if you need a beer rather than coffee.

The Wolfhound
Copy and paste phone numbers into Naver Maps to get directions
Hangul Address
경기 평택시 팽성읍 안정순환로222번길 97
Irish pub & restaurant
Places You Can Bring A Bottle Glühweine Home

Coffee D.O.
Copy and paste phone numbers into Naver Maps to get directions
Hangul Address
경기 평택시 팽성읍 팽성대교길 111-2
Lovely, family friendly cafe next to GS25.

AK Plaza Basement Supermarket
Hangul Address
경기 평택시 평택로 51
Grocery store located on the bottom floor of AK Plaza department store.
The Wine Shop in the basement of AK Plaza next to the supermarket offers glühweine for home.
Places to Find Glühweine in Seoul
You may also find glühwein in many bars, cafes, and stores in Seoul, including Christmas Markets, though keep in mind Korea celebrates Christmas in its own way so leave your expectations at home.
Wine & Nail
서울 송파구 가락로 183 1층
Vintage OMOK
서울 양천구 목동동로12길 38 2층
Sit Pub and Cafe
서울 성동구 독서당로 230
Making Glühweine at Home
OR make it at home. Tastes great without brandy as well for those who have a lower alcohol tolerance.
How to Search for Glühweine in Korean
If you would like to search across Korea for glühweine here are the Korean search terms you can use: 뱅 쇼(vin chaud) = 멀드 와인(mulled wine) = 글뤼바인(Gluhwein) Please remember that there are a variety of ways to Romanize English and German words. This means that there will also be different ways to spell vin chaud, mulled wine, and Gluhwein in Korean.

LeaDan Yee holds a Master’s in Education with a focus in Secondary Education and Teaching – Language Arts and Bachelor’s in Psychology, with a minor in Speech.
As a Cultural Liaison and Content Creator at South of Seoul, Ms. Yee focuses on creating content for families interested in traveling and those with toddlers. She is especially interested in opportunities to share her Native Hawaiian background and empower others to be cultural ambassadors.
Prior to joining South of Seoul, LeaDan worked as a High School Speech Teacher and Adjunct Communications Professor. She specializes in Public Speaking, Argumentation and Debate, Team Management, and Event Planning.