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As the area continues to garner more and more international attention, sometimes South of Seoul and it’s volunteers land in the press. When reporters contact we check their references and get a general idea about the article, however, we never have any control over the final published piece. We do our best to avoid political questions and simply answer about what life in Pyeongtaek is like.  Here are a few places that the South of Seoul Blog, App, and/or volunteers have been mentioned:


“How South Koreans are Reckoning with Changing American Military Presence”

by E. Tammy Kim

Support Local Businesses and Local Ads

“USAG Humphreys: The Story Behind America’s Biggest Overseas Base”

By Jon Lettman


평택시, 한미청소년교류캠프 초등학생 숙박형 캠프 마무리

평택시청소년문화센터, Better Life in Harmony 참가자 모집

평택시청소년문화센터, 한미청소년교류캠프 참가자 모집

평택시, 2018한미청소년교류캠프 외국 청소년과 우정 키워

평택시 청소년 영어캠프 ‘We go Together!!’ 성료


If you are a reporter or media outlet interested in speaking with our volunteers about the work that we do in Pyeongtaek or about the area in general, you are welcome to submit a request to Please include the publications the article will be submitted to, a few samples of your work, and a few sample questions you might ask.