New Registration System for Fall Bus Trips

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UPDATED: April 30th 2018 to include any changes

In 2017 we took a big leap of faith and launched our ride-share Pyeongtaek Beach Bus trips. We cobbled together the best reservation system we could at the time and spent the summer making notes on how to improve. We then sat around with scratching our heads and asking ourselves, “How will we make these changes with zero budget for expensive trip planning systems while also not putting too much of a burden on our volunteers?”

These are the questions we struggle with all the time, “How do we provide a top of the line experience with no resources?” Somehow we keep coming up with solutions. This time was no exception. Of course, now we just keep our fingers crossed that it works as well as we hope it will. New systems can always have surprises and glitches (especially ones built in an extreme no-budget situation). So please let us know if you run into any so that we can trouble shoot them or come up with a new way of doing things. All of this is always a work in progress.

So here it is! All registration for South of Seoul events will now be “Members Only” through the app. Look for the REGISTER for Activities tab in the South of Seoul home screen to get started. Doesn’t it look lovely? We have two fall hiking trips planned.

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Next you will arrive here. The first thing we want to draw your attention to is up in the left hand corner. See those three little lines? That’s where you can now go to confirm your payments have been received. In addition to being able to see it in the app, you will also get a confirmation email once we have received your payment and added you to the ride-share Departure Roster.

If you click on the REVIEW my upcoming trips you can quickly see if we have received your money or not. You can also find the payment information if you didn’t take it down when you made the reservation. It also details our cancellation policy so you aren’t surprised by it. We have to do this to keep trips running smoothly. If we don’t volunteers are running around like chickens with their heads cut off messaging folks about are they/aren’t they going. Not as much fun as it sounds. 

Ok, now you are ready to go register for trips. Click on the banner and you will go to a list of planned ride-share events. We will try to keep them in order of date they happen. Select a trip and click on it.
Now you need to do TWO things. 
1) Add how many people are going (HURRAY!! No more having to enter each individual attendee on a different form! Honestly, that was a hot mess. It was the best we could do at the time.) 
2) You will also select where you need picked up.  We have the pickup times posted as well for easy reference. Please arrive 10 minutes early for easy loading.
Although we don’t have integrated payments (because it adds a great deal of cost to each seat and we aren’t really selling anything, just collecting ride-share fees so it’s not really an option to do it any other way.) the system we use requires that we have address fields. However, you can just provide your email and phone number and then write N/A in the other fields. We don’t actually need to know where you live, just need to have the fields for the system to run smoothly.
You DO need to add a list of who will be on the bus. We need this for records. Don’t use line breaks or it will struggle to submit, use commas to separate names.
Now just click through the payment options and we are done! Hurray!! 
We think this is going to be much better for everyone involved but if it’s not please feel free to let us know what is going wrong by emailing us screen shots at