항토 보리밥집 Video Menu

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Pro tip: (2인분) means it serves two people. Can’t order for an individual.

식사류 = Food Menu 

보리밥 = BoriBap
제육뽁음 = jeyugbokk-eum
된정찌개 = doenjangjjigae
동대찌개 = dongdaejjigae

부대찌개 = budaejjigae

라면사리 = Ramon noodles
공기밥 = Rice with beans
삼겹살 = Korean bacon
소고기벗건골 = sogogibeosgeongol
닭도리탕 = dalgdolitang

주류 = Drink Menu 

소주 = Soju
맥주 = maekju (Beer)
청하 =cheongha (low alcohol soju type)백서주 = baegseoju (rice alcohol flavored with herbs)
산사춘 = sansachun (wine made from the red fruits of the sansa)
막걸리 = maggeolli (rice wine)