How to take care of our mental health during COVID-19

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With all the changes and uncertainty in our lives at the moment, taking care of our mental health is more important than ever. Luckily, the internet can provide us with a wide range of resources that can help us keep our motivation and focus on what we have power over. But sometimes it can be difficult to know where to begin.

Many of the world-renowned specialists, counselors, life coaches and doctors have their own websites where they upload books, videos, and information on how to deal with difficult times. Especially in these sensitive times and with our need to address increased levels of stress, anxiety, and worry, it can be helpful to know where to begin. I’ve put together this list in hopes that it can help you start looking for resources if you feel you need them.

If you are looking for resources on motivation, meditation, and mindfulness, the following websites would be good to check out:

Brene Brown

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Deepak Chopra
(The author also has a 21-day meditation program that comes with homework and daily exercises)

Thích Nhất Hạnh

Russ Harris -The happiness trap

Marisa Peer

Mel Robbins

Tony Robbins

Ekhart Tolle

For those who need  quick support in difficult situations, the following can be of great help:


Kim Eng

Michelle Kenway

Alternate nostril breathing

EFT (Emotional Freedom techniques)

Research on the benefits of EFT
(I personally use these techniques on stressful days, and when I have anxiety or panic attacks and they have helped me tremendously).

Physical exercise is also a wonderful way to release stress and stay fit. The following YouTube channels provide a wide range of workouts and  e-types of exercise:


Madan Kataria – Laughter yoga

Face yoga

Yoga with Kassandra

Yoga with Tara Stiles

Yoga TX


Robin Long – 30-Day Pilates body challenge

Additionally, it is important to maintain a healthy and balanced diet, keep hydrated, get enough sleep, connect with loved ones, and create a new routine. All of these will keep you busy and focused on your own well-being. Finally, if you are interested in new challenges and want to learn something new or get a certificate, you can always join an online course. Websites such as provide a high number of short-term courses on a wide variety of topics. Or, if you are interested in reading Korean writers’ books, the Digital Library of Korean Literature offers the possibility to borrow online books for free.

Nevertheless, if you feel that none of this helps and you are in need of specialized support, don’t hesitate to contact the AHS inquiry team (+82-2-749-7915 / and set up an appointment with the wonderful therapists there.

Seek additional support when needed

These are unprecedented times, and it is normal to feel overwhelmed by the situation and your emotions. If you need additional help for your mental health, AHS has licensed therapists who are ever ready to support you through these challenging times. Telehealth options are also available to support those who are practicing physical distancing, or self-isolation. Contact our inquiry team at 02 – 749 – 7915 / to find out more.

For more information on COVID-19

Ministry of Health and Welfare

The Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare provides up-to-date information in English about the COVID-19 situation in Korea.

World Health Organization

The World Health Organization provides information and resources about the global situation around COVID-19.

Irina is an Inquiry Coordinator with Adaptable Human Solutions, a private mental health clinic that provides English counseling and psychotherapeutic services. Currently, Adaptable Human Solutions has offices in Seoul and Pyeongtaek and they also provide counseling via telehealth (secure online counseling). If you would like to find out more about Adaptable Human Solutions, visit their website at For more details on counseling services, please email or call 02-749-7915 to schedule an appointment.
