Pyeongtaek Subway, Trains, Buses

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Let’s say that you are somewhere with friends and you want to go home, but you aren’t sure what the closest subway is. Or imagine you need to catch an intercity bus but don’t know where to find the closest terminal. Or maybe you want to know what subway stop has the E-mart or which station has the KTX trains (opening December 9th).
Well, South of Seoul app has your covered. We’ve created a detailed listing of the main transportation hubs. Just open search and click on the Subway, Trains, and Buses.
When it opens you will see the different options which will organize themselves based on what is closest to you at that moment. So this list will reorganize while you move about town. SOOO nice when you are new and still not oriented to the area.
Next, when you open the transportation hub of your choice, it will give you a list of important places located near that hub.