English Speaking Dentists in Songdo

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Finding an English-speaking dentist in Korea can be daunting if you don’t know how to search for one. You may experience challenges with language and cultural dissonance when navigating the Korean healthcare system in regard to dental health.

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About SOS Public Health Dental Information

SOS Public Health conducts research on dental clinic locations that may have English language support. As information becomes available on such clinics, SOS Public Health volunteers add the information to the South of Seoul app and blog posts such as this.

Help SOS Public Health Source Information

If you know of any English-speaking dentists in Songdo that you would like added to this list, feel free to message SOS Public Health on Facebook or via email (publichealth@southofseoul.net).

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Take Care of Your Dental Health in South Korea

Although this blog introduces an English-speaking dentist, the blog does not imply that only English-speaking dentists provide safe and effective dental care. We shouldn’t let language and cultural challenges deter us from maintaining our dental health. If your area does not have an English-speaking dentist, don’t hesitate to try Korean-speaking dental clinics. Many non-English speaking dental clinics may have excellent services.

When visiting a non-English speaking dentist, you may need additional tools to help you navigate the language challenges you may face. The end of this blog post lists some available resources that may help you overcome such challenges. We begin by taking a look at English-speaking provider(s).

English Dentist(s) in Songdo

The information below includes a limited list (currently only 1 location) of dental clinics that provide services in English. As SOS Public Health continues to research, more resources may be added to the list below over time.

You can find all organizations listed below in the South of Seoul app. Download the South of Seoul App for easy access to information on resources available in South Korea. To search, type ‘Dentist Songdo’ (or the name of your area) in the app’s search bar.

DISCLAIMER: The information in this blog post is not sponsored content. The organizations listed below are provided based on community recommendations and direct research. South of Seoul does not receive monetary compensation for posting this blog post.

Elisha International Dental Clinic (엘리샤인터내셔널치과의원)

Elisha Dental Clinic

Elisha Dental Clinic0


Copy and paste phone numbers into Naver Maps to get directions

Elisha International Dental Clinic is an English-speaking, LGBTQ+ friendly dental clinic located in Songdo. Appointments with this dental clinic can be made via Kakao Talk. Visit their website to learn more on how to schedule an appointment.

Hangul Address

인천 연수구 인천타워대로132번길 34

(Listing information provided by the South of Seoul app)

Elisha International Dental Clinic is located near Incheon National University Station in Songdo, across the street from Lotte Mart and Songdo Convensia Center. Recommended by the University of Utah Asia Campus, this dental clinic provides dental health services in English and Korean from a team of licensed professionals.

Elisha International Dental Clinic offers services for various oral health needs and concerns. Their treatment options, as listed on the Elisha International Dental Clinic website include:

General Dentistry

  • Scaling/Gum Treatment
  • Pediatric Dentistry
  • Dental Caries/Root Canal
  • Invisalign

Cosmetic Dentistry

  • Teeth Whitening
  • All Ceramic Restoration
  • Laminate
  • Cosmetic Gum Surgery


  • Implant/Bridge
  • Dentures

Office Hours (Note: These hours are subject to change at any time by the clinic.)

  • Mon-Thurs: 10 AM to 7 PM
  • Fri: 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM
  • Sat & Sun: Closed
  • Lunch Hours: 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM

How to Find A Dentist Near You

If you don’t mind visiting a non-English speaking dentist, here are a few resources that may help you find a dentist near you. When visiting a dentist who may or may not have English-speaking services, make sure to go prepared. Having Papago or the BBB Korea on hand while at your appointment may help ease any language challenges you may face.

You can search for dental health resources through Naver Maps and KakaoMap. To find a dental clinic in your area, copy and paste 치과 의사 (dentist) or 치과 (dental clinic) into Naver Map or KakaoMap. Click here for information on how to use Naver Maps. Papago or other translation services may be needed to search and translate Korean terms.

BBB Korea

To overcome the potential language barrier, you can utilize services like the Papago translation app and the BBB Korea app.

BBB Korea offers Korean-English translation support provided by volunteers. You can access BBB Korea through their app for over-the-phone interpretation help.

Helpful Korean Dental Terms

Knowing some common dental terms before your visit to the dental clinic could come in handy. Additionally, Korean dental terms can often be used to search for specific services on Naver or Kakao maps as well. Some terms may or may not show intended results when copied and pasted into Naver Maps. However, the following list of dental terms and treatments could be useful when asking for services at a dental clinic.

  • Dental clinic/office = 치과 (cheek-gwa)
  • Dentist = 치과 의사 (cheek-gwa eui-sa)
  • Pediatric dentist = 소아치과 (so-ah cheek-gwa)
  • Tooth/teeth (various words may be used) = 치아/이/이빨 (chi-ah/ee/ee-ppal)
  • Wisdom teeth = 사랑니 (sa-rang-ni)
  • Toothache = 치통이 (cha-tong-ee)
  • Cavities (also known as dental caries) = 충치 (choong-chi)
  • Gum disease = 잇몸 질환 (eat-mome jil hwan)
  • Scaling (also known as a dental cleaning) = 스케일링 (seu-kale-ing)
  • Filling (in reference to a dental cavity) = 충치재 (choong-chi-jae)
  • Gum treatment = 잇몸 치료 (eat-mome chi-ryo)
  • Tooth extraction = 치아를 뽑다 (chi-ah-reul ppob-da)
  • Braces = 교정기 (gyo-jeong-gi)
  • Denture = 틀니 (teul-ni)
  • Teeth whitening = 치아 미백 (chi-ah mi-baek)

NHIS Dental Care Coverage

Several dental services may be covered by Korean National Health Insurance. You can check which oral health services and procedures may be covered by National Health Insurance Services (NHIS) by calling their foreign languages hotline at 033-811-2000.

NHIS Hotline

NHIS Hotline5


Copy and paste phone numbers into Naver Maps to get directions

This phone number takes you to an NHIS agent who can answer any and all questions you have about the Korean national health insurance including cost and coverage. English, Russian, Chinese and other language services are available. Note: It may be difficult for a call to go through during the lunch hour (12pm-1pm)

(Listing information provided by the South of Seoul app)

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Zahra Alsafi
Zahra Alsafi is pursuing a Master of Public Health degree at the University of Utah Asia Campus (UAC) in Incheon, South Korea. She earned a bachelor's degree in Microbiology with a minor in Women and Gender Studies from the University of Michigan. Ms. Alsafi was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, USA to Iraqi refugee parents. Inspired by her community and international experiences, she hopes to pursue public health dentistry with a focus on preventative care for immigrant and refugee populations. She is particularly interested in disseminating educational information through accessible formats. Ms. Alsafi’s public health practicum with South of Seoul Public Health will focus on dental health education for school-aged children and adults in South Korea.